Natural Aesthetics


PRP-CGF stands for platelet-rich plasma with concentrated growth factors. This non-invasive, nonsurgical, and all-natural therapy has revolutionized the beauty industry, using your own blood as the driver of rejuvenation. This unique treatment utilizes the components of your own blood that are naturally responsible for stimulating new growth and healing damaged tissue. The capabilities of these platelets and growth factors include rebuilding connective tissue, collagen and elastin – without a single additive or synthetic enhancer.

What is the expected result?

  • Reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and crow’s feet
  • Improved skin texture and tone
  • Decreased hyperpigmentation
  • Improved healing of scars (reduced size and discoloration)
  • Growth stimulation for a variety of hair loss conditions, including male pattern baldness and female hair loss

CGF-PRP is non-invasive therapy, and therefore has little-to-no downtime. The treatment is completely safe, entirely natural and there is little chance of an allergic reaction since the blood used is yours.

Results Timeline

  • This treatment is a process of rebuilding and renewing cells over time, typically taking 2-6 weeks
  • To achieve best results, three treatments are typically required, spaced 4-12 weeks apart
  • The results of the treatments are often maintained for 6-12 months

Potential Side Effects

  • Mild swelling, bruising, irritation and peeling in a small percentage of patients

Facial and Skin Treatment Options

‘Of You’ Illuminate, aka “Vampire Facial”

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This revolutionary, cell-based treatment is designed to take your skin from dull and tired, to vibrant, youthful and glowing. The treatment is used to slough off old skin cells, decrease hyperpigmentation and dark spots, minimize fine lines, tighten pores, and stimulate growth of new collagen. It takes your facial (or vampire facial, chemical peel or laser treatment) to the next level!

How it works. Utilizes concentrated growth factors coupled with a micro-needling device to stimulate the growth of healthy, plump new skin. This procedure involves extracting concentrated growth factors and platelet-rich plasma from your blood, activating these enriched cells, and then injecting them into scar tissue, deep lines and wrinkles, and areas of significant discoloration. This treatment also utilizes the Micropen – a micro-needling device which creates thousands of microscopic channels in the skin. These “microabrasions” trigger your body’s own healing mechanisms to repair that area, while we also provide a super dose of all the growth factors needed for repair by applying your activated cells. This process provides all the necessary growth factors and signaling molecules for cellular proliferation, aka growth. After 2-3 days, your skin should start to slough off the outer epidermal layer, revealing the fresh, glowing layer of skin beneath

‘Of You’ Lift and Tighten – Add on Treatment

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A varied preparation of your body’s growth factors to stimulate migration of stem cells, collagen and elastin production, which improves fine lines and addresses sagging skin for those with loss of elasticity.
Your blood is modified in a way to elicit optimal concentration of growth factors and injected into the skin – essentially “fertilizing” the area. Once in your skin, these growth factors act to support the physiological processes of wound healing and tissue repair, stimulating new collagen and elastin growth, as well as cell migration.

Areas of Treatment:
• Face
• Neck
• Hands
• Décolletage

‘Of You’ Clear (Acne Treatment)

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We understand that acne can be a debilitating condition, having the potential to leave behind embarrassing pitting and pigmented scars for life. Fortunately, ‘Of You’ Clear is an innovative treatment designed to decrease active skin eruptions and remove unwanted scars – eliminating this daily reminder of past breakouts.

How it works. ‘Of You’ Clear utilizes concentrated “growth factors” coupled with a micro-needling device to break up old scar tissue and stimulate the growth of new, healthy collagen. This procedure first involves the extraction of pus and other bacterial byproducts. Once the pores are open, the concentrated growth factors and platelet-rich plasma from your blood are injected into acne and scar tissue. This treatment combines the special mixture of your own activated cells with the Micropen.

What to expect:
After the first treatment, you should notice diminishing of unwanted acne and hyper-pigmentation, as well as a brighter overall complexion. In addition to diminished scars and more even skin tone and texture, pore size is decreased. Most patients typically require at least 3-5 treatments for optimal results.

Can it Help in an Active Breakout?

‘Of You’ Clear can help in an active breakout, as it acts to remove the outer layer of the skin, similar to having a chemical peel. However, the procedure alone will not prevent future breakouts. Fortunately, the team at True You Medical are experts in skin health and take the time to address the entirety of your health, to find and address the root cause of your acne. We then address it with a variety of other natural therapies.

Hair Treatment Options

‘Of You’ Hair Rejuvenation Therapy

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This revolutionary, cell-based treatment helps to stabilize and reverse hair loss in men and women. ‘Of You’ Hair Rejuvenation works to thicken hair in those who have experienced hair loss from inherited predispositions, illness, or drug side effects. Using bio-materials sourced from a patient’s own blood, it stimulates hair follicles to regrow and function normally, by injecting the patient’s growth factors into their scalp. This natural therapy is both safe and effective in encouraging hair follicles to return to a state of active growth.

How it works. ‘Of You” Hair Rejuvenation utilizes PRP and Concentrated Growth Factors as the growth stimulator. Tiny injections with a very thin needle create micro-trauma within the scalp, initiating the localized healing response necessary for tissue regeneration. The growth factors used in this treatment are completely natural and found in the patient’s specific cells in blood called platelets.  The injected platelets and concentrated growth factors essentially fertilize the area, providing the follicles with the necessary nutrients for regeneration and new growth.

How does it compare to other methods? ‘Of You’ Hair Rejuvenation Therapy represents the next generation of platelet-rich plasma hair regrowth therapy. Recent developments in cell harvesting have allowed CGF therapies to improve on existing cell-based hair rejuvenation therapies like platelet-rich plasma.

What to expect: This procedure stimulates your body to create healthy new hair follicles.  Typically, it takes 6-9 months before the results are apparent, and a succession of treatments (at least 4) is usually required for optimal results. The outcome is affected by a person’s overall health, nutritional status, current medications, and stress levels. These factors are addressed by the doctors at TYM to help maximize the results.

This treatment is wonderful for those who are looking for a natural treatment with no down time and very limited risk. It works well for a variety of hair loss conditions, including both male pattern baldness and female hair loss

Contraindications for all regenerative therapies

The absolute contraindications for treatment include active tobacco smokers, active cancer, blood dyscrasias, and persons on certain blood-thinning therapies.


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