Niacin TR

Niacin TR

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Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is a micronutrient with a 40-year history of efficacy in supporting healthy lipid levels, especially high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)

levels. However, one side effect often makes supplementing niacin a less than pleasurable experience, limiting adherence. Some patients experience flushing when supplementing

niacin. However, a properly- manufactured, sustained- release niacin circumvents this side effect. By using a

proprietary, natural wax-matrix coating technology, Time Release Niacin is released slowly over a six- to eight-hour period to reduce flushing. This time period is considered

the ideal window for releasing equal amounts of niacin into circulation as nicotinuric acid, the beneficial metabolite responsible for niacin’s lipid balancing benefits.1-2 In a

double-blind placebo-controlled study, this specific form of Time Release Niacin had only a 5-7 % flush rate, making it well-tolerated and highly effective for supporting balanced

cholesterol levels.


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Palm Desert, CA 92260
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